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Mission Statement

Americans for Transparency and Accountability promotes a more informed and transparent debate about U.S. foreign policy. We advocate for policies that advance American interests, defend American sovereignty, and strengthen American security.


Americans for Transparency and Accountability promotes a more informed and transparent debate about U.S. foreign policy. We advocate for policies that advance American interests, defend American sovereignty, and strengthen American security.

Washington DC has become a playground for influence peddlers of every stripe. Foreign governments have realized that they can effectively revoke the First Amendment rights of American citizens and compromise our election system.


Americans for Transparency and Accountability seeks to protect our democratic system and promote a healthier, more transparent debate about policy issues. 


It advocates for policies that would place greater constraints on foreign influence campaigns, prevent intrusions into our democratic process by bad actors from abroad. 


Foreign interests have shelled out over $530 million attempting to influence U.S. Government policy and public opinion just since 2017, and that’s just the money that we can trace. 

One of our key initiatives is an update to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, which would hold foreign actors accountable for cyberespionage attacks targeting Americans. bad actors accountable. Unless this happens the efforts of foreign governments to manipulate U.S. politics will continue. 

Make a Commitment
to Protect Our Democracy

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and help protect our democracy.

Board Members


Kirk Thompson is the president of Redshift Strategy, a political consulting firm. He is also veteran of the United States Army, and has served as a policy advisor on local, state, and federal issues.

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